Imprisoned for searching for her missing husband – free Hanan now

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One minute your loved one is there. The next, they’re gone. ‘Disappeared’ – as if they never existed. This nightmare is a reality for Hanan, who last saw her husband on the news, injured after attending a protest in Egypt 2013.

According to Amnesty, her husband, Khalid, is one of hundreds of people who have ‘disappeared’ in the hands of Egypt’s security forces.

Determined to discover the truth, Hanan became a leading voice of resistance. She even co-founded a group for other families who have missing loved ones.

She didn’t stop searching for Khalid; visiting police stations, prisons, hospitals, and morgues. This year, Hanan visited a prison to search for information about her husband. While there, she was detained by guards and later arrested. The accusations against her are both false and ludicrous; that Hanan was part of a ‘banned group’. She now faces years in prison.

What would you do if your loved one disappeared in the hands of the government? Hanan’s search for truth and justice has put her behind bars. Now she needs others to speak up for her.


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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