Korea & Egypt Discuss How to Expand Joint Cooperation in Housing and Urban Development

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Ashraf AboArafe

On September 9, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Egypt Kim Young-hyun met with H.E. Eng. Sherif El-Sherbiny, Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, and exchanged views on enhancing bilateral cooperation in the field of housing and urban development.

Ambassador Kim congratulated the Minister on his appointment, wished him a successful term, and highlighted the remarkable progress in bilateral relations since the establishment of the Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership between the two countries in 2016, with notable achievements especially in the field of joint cooperation in infrastructure projects. Ambassador Kim stated that while many joint projects are being implemented covering various sectors including infrastructure, digital government, green transformation and higher education, housing and urban development is another important area that can enhance our strong bilateral cooperation. Ambassador Kim added that the bilateral cooperation will contribute to supporting Egypt’s “Decent Life” initiative, leveraging Korean companies’ advanced technology and global competitiveness in the fields of water management, desalination and smart city development.

Minister El-Sherbiny stated that he appreciates Korea’s contribution to the Egyptian economy as many Korean companies operate in Egypt, create high-quality job opportunities and export their products. Minister El-Sherbiny said that he hopes that more Korean companies, including those working in water management and urban development, will be able to invest in Egypt as Egypt is a promising market and there are great investment opportunities in this field. Minister El-Sherbiny also briefed on the preparations for the 12th World Urban Forum to be held in Cairo in November, and Ambassador Kim expressed his best wishes for the success of the event and shedding light on global challenges that affect people’s daily lives, including unaffordable housing and climate change.


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