Challenges & Opportunities of the Africa-Italy Summit

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Ahmef Mostafa 

The Africa-Italy Summit, scheduled for January 29, 2024, in Rome, is a historic event aimed at strengthening ties between Africa and Italy. The summit will focus on investment and trade opportunities, promoting economic growth, social development, and cultural exchange. The theme is ‘Collaboration for a Sustainable Future,’ highlighting the shared commitment to working together for a better future. The summit will also address issues such as fair trade, equitable partnerships, and sustainable development.

In addition to economic cooperation, the summit will cover social and cultural topics, such as education, healthcare, and gender equality. Cultural performances and exhibitions will showcase the rich and diverse cultures of both Africa and Italy, fostering a better understanding and appreciation of each other’s heritage and traditions. The summit will also promote peace and stability in Africa, with Italy playing a crucial role in conflict resolution and reconciliation. Leaders will discuss strategies for promoting peace, security, and stability in Africa, contributing to a more peaceful and prosperous future. The Africa Italy Summit is not just a one-time event, but a stepping stone towards a long-term partnership. It serves as an inspiration and reminder that by coming together, we can overcome obstacles and build a more united and prosperous world.

Italy has a different vision towards Africa

Italy has a unique approach towards its relations with Africa, with a long history of colonialism in Africa. Despite this, Italy has shifted its focus towards Africa, cultivating stronger economic and diplomatic ties through strategic partnerships and investment initiatives. Italy’s geographical location as a gateway between Europe and Africa has led to a significant influx of migrants and refugees, posing challenges for Italy’s society and government. Despite these challenges, Italy has shown commitment to working closely with African nations to find sustainable and humane solutions to the migrant crisis.

The volume of mutual trade between Africa and Italy has grown significantly over the years, indicating a strong economic relationship between the two regions. Italy has long been an important trading partner for many African countries, importing natural resources and exporting machinery, industrial equipment, and luxury goods. Italian companies have also invested heavily in African infrastructure, manufacturing, and services, leading to increased trade opportunities and bilateral cooperation.

The volume of trade between Africa and Italy amounted to over 29 billion euros in 2020, with Italy ranking as one of Africa’s top five trading partners. This growth is largely attributed to the increasing demand for Italian-made products, particularly in the automotive and fashion industries, as well as Italian investments in renewable energy and infrastructure projects in Africa. The Africa-Italy bilateral trade relationship has been supported by initiatives and agreements, such as the Joint Africa-Europe Strategy, the Italy-Africa Business Forum, and the Italy-Africa Conference.

What Africa can acquire from Italy in their summit?

The recent summit between African leaders and G20 countries, particularly Italy, has generated excitement about the potential benefits for Africa. Italy, a leading European economy, has a wealth of knowledge and resources that can greatly benefit Africa. Italy’s focus on inclusive and sustainable economic development, its rich cultural heritage, and its expertise in renewable energy and environmental sustainability are all areas that Africa can benefit from. Africa can learn from Italy’s experiences and adapt these strategies to their unique context, leading to stronger economic growth and a more stable job market for the African youth. Italy’s tourism industry can also attract more tourists and generate more revenue, fostering stronger ties between Italy and Africa.

Italy’s expertise in renewable energy can help Africa mitigate the effects of climate change and provide sustainable energy solutions. Italy’s advanced industries and manufacturing capabilities can diversify the African economy, creating new job opportunities and increasing the competitiveness of African products in the global market. Lastly, the summit provides a platform for cultural exchange and collaboration in education, health, and research. With Italy’s world-renowned universities and research institutions, African students and professionals can gain valuable knowledge and skills to contribute to their own development. Collaboration in the health sector can lead to advancements in healthcare services and improve the overall well-being of African citizens.

African countries like Egypt and Algeria could use their natural gas as a pressure card with Italy and Europe economically and politically

Egypt and Algeria, two major players in the global energy market, have discovered large natural gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean, providing them with an opportunity to use their reserves as a pressure card with Italy and Europe. Italy heavily relies on natural gas imports, making it vulnerable to external factors like political instability or changes in global energy prices. Egypt and Algeria can use this dependency to negotiate better trade deals with Italy and Europe, as Italy and Europe’s demand for natural gas is expected to increase due to its commitment to reducing carbon emissions and shifting towards cleaner energy sources.

The discovery of natural gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean has sparked a race among countries to tap into these resources, potentially leading to competition between Egypt and Algeria. By collaborating, Egypt and Algeria can coordinate their supply and pricing strategies with Italy, increasing their leverage in negotiations and potentially leading to more favorable outcomes.

Egypt and Algeria can also use natural gas as a strategic pressure card in their political dealings with Italy and Europe, as they have a strong geographical advantage near Europe, a major market for natural gas. By supplying natural gas to Italy and Europe, Egypt and Algeria can promote economic interdependence and strengthen their political ties. Additionally, their abundant natural gas reserves can assert their sovereignty and independence in the face of external pressures.

Two days ago, we discussed on (Channel I) of Algeria State Radio, through a special episode, the upcoming seventh summit of gas exporting countries, which will be held in Algeria in February 2024, with the Algerian Moderator/ Mohamed Bensoltan. Among our political-economic proposals was “valuing natural gas in gold or in any other currency other than the dollar” as a pressure tool to weaken the US dollar and its economic dominance globally. Let us learn from the sin of the “Petrodollar” that was formulated since the Jamaica OPEC conference in 1975 by “Henry Kissinger – the former US Secretary of State.” As oil is what gave the dollar its strong value globally.

Illegal Migration and solutions thereof will be a top priority at the Afro-Italian Summit

Illegal migration is a significant global issue, with thousands of people risking their lives to reach Europe for better economic opportunities and a safer future. Italy is no exception, with thousands of undocumented migrants arriving annually. The Afro-Italian Summit has identified this issue as a top priority to address. The lack of economic opportunities in many African countries has led to migrants seeking better job prospects and a higher standard of living in Europe. However, this has also created a dangerous cycle of human trafficking and exploitation, with many migrants falling prey to organized criminal groups who promise to help them reach Europe but often abandon them or extort large sums of money.

The lack of legal and safe pathways for migrants to enter Italy is another major issue. Many migrants resort to risky and illegal means of travel, such as crossing the Mediterranean in overcrowded boats, which puts their lives at risk and strains the Italian Coast Guard and rescue organizations. To tackle this issue, the Afro-Italian Summit must focus on strengthening economic and social conditions in African countries, establishing legal pathways for migrants, and combating human trafficking through stronger border control measures and international cooperation between law enforcement agencies.

Mutual scientific research, IT, and media projects are needed between Africa and Italy

Africa and Italy have a long history of cultural and economic ties, but there is a growing need for mutual scientific research, IT, and media projects between the two regions. Africa’s vast natural resources and growing economy offer opportunities for Italian researchers and businesses, while Italy’s advanced technology and expertise can benefit African nations in their development and modernization. Agriculture is a key area where mutual scientific research can be beneficial, as Africa has a large portion of arable land and a rapidly growing population. Italy, known for its advanced practices and cutting-edge technology, can help Africa develop sustainable and efficient farming methods. Collaboration on research projects can increase food production, reduce hunger, and boost the agricultural sector’s contribution to the economy.

IT is another area where Africa and Italy can work together for mutual benefit. With the rapid growth of technology and the internet, Africa needs to bridge the digital divide and catch up with the rest of the world. Italian companies can provide the necessary expertise, infrastructure, and resources to help African countries develop their IT sector, leading to job creation, improved access to education and healthcare, and overall economic growth. Media projects between Africa and Italy can also help bridge the gap between Africa and Europe, as Italy’s strategic location and historical ties to Africa can serve as a gateway for African countries to access the European market.

In conclusion, Italy’s relationship with Russia and Africa is complex and evolving, influenced by historical, cultural, and economic factors. Its efforts to build stronger partnerships with African countries and address shared challenges demonstrate a forward-thinking approach. The volume of mutual trade between Africa and Italy has positively impacted both regions’ economic growth and strengthened diplomatic and cultural ties. The Africa-Italy summit presents an opportunity for Africa to acquire knowledge, resources, and partnerships, benefiting both regions. Egypt and Algeria can use their vast natural gas reserves as a pressure card versus Italy, securing better terms for exports and strengthening their position in the global energy market. The Afro-Italian Summit can address the root causes of illegal migration and human trafficking, promoting sustainable solutions. Mutual scientific research, IT, and media projects between Africa and Italy are crucial in today’s globalized world, fostering strong partnerships for mutual growth and development.


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