Egyptian MFA solving the crisis of students in Kyrgyzstan

Releasing students and postponing exams for those who wish

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Ashraf AboArafe

As part of the (MFA) Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ follow-up on the situation of Egyptian students in Kyrgyzstan against the backdrop of quarrels and attacks in which they recently engaged, Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, the official spokesman and director of the Public Diplomacy Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated that the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Kazakhstan, which undertakes the task of representing non-residents in the State of Kyrgyzstan. It succeeded in containing and ending the crisis of Egyptian students once and for all, as all necessary procedures were completed to release the detainees and take them to their residence.

In the context of overcoming the obstacles that the students may face academically and containing any negative and psychological effects that may have befallen them as a result of the incident, the official spokesman revealed that the consular mission sent to Kyrgyzstan met with the president of IMU, where more than 530 Egyptian students are registered, and succeeded in facilitating and resolving most of them. The problems facing students academically, as the university president agreed to advance the exam date for those who wished to return early to Egypt. First-year students were also allowed to leave with a commitment to return to take their exams after the summer vacation in order to avoid the negative effects on the students’ psychology.

On the other hand, Ambassador Abu Zeid added that the head of the consular mission sent to Bishkek held an extensive meeting with leaders of the Egyptian community and a number of students in Kyrgyzstan, to find out their consular needs, their assessment of the situation, and their perceptions of how to prevent a recurrence of the incident and ensure the safety of our students in Kyrgyzstan. During the meeting, a virtual meeting was held with Egyptian students residing in various areas in Kyrgyzstan to reassure them and check on their conditions and safety.

It should be noted that Mr. Sameh Shoukry, Minister of Foreign Affairs, had directed a consular mission to be sent to the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek, immediately after the outbreak of events, to check on our students and stabilize their conditions, as well as to contribute to preserving their rights and providing them with protection.


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