Minister of Immigration receives the ambassador of KSA as joint cooperation files require

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Ashraf AboArafe

Ambassador Soha Gendy: Egyptian-Saudi relations are historic… and the close relationship that brings together the political leadership of the two countries heralds a common future that supports distinguished history.  

Minister of Immigration: Agreement to continue supporting the pace of the problem-solving mechanism and removing the obstacles facing Egyptian workers and any challenges the two communities face through them.

The Saudi ambassador praises the ministry’s experience in raising Egyptian competencies to qualify for the labor market at home and abroad and solving any problems facing its children abroad. 

Ambassador Soha Gendy, Minister of State for Immigration and Egyptians Abroad Affairs, received Ambassador Osama Nqli, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Egypt, to discuss cooperation in joint files, wishing him continued success in his upcoming work tasks on the occasion of the approaching end of his term in Cairo, praising his distinguished role in supporting relations. The fraternal relations between the two sister countries, and the fraternal relations in Egypt, which we hope will not be interrupted.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Minister of Immigration affirmed the strength of the historical strategic relations between the two countries, which are bound by bonds of brotherhood and a common destiny, as well as the close relationship that brings together the political leadership of the two countries, praising the Kingdom’s role in caring for the Egyptian community present on its lands, and also stressing that the Saudi community in Egypt is in their second country.

The Minister of Immigration affirmed her keenness to strengthen joint cooperation between the Ministry of Immigration and the Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, with the aim of introducing rights and duties and overcoming any challenges that Egyptians residing in the Kingdom may face, and that the Ministry, in cooperation with the Labor Attaché of the Embassy and the Ministry of Human Resources, launched a joint awareness campaign aimed at defining the worker. The Kingdom working in Egypt adheres to all the laws to protect the rights of the individual, as well as informing him of his duties determined by the regulating laws, as well as interest in continuing to support the mechanism of direct cooperation between the Ministries of Immigration and the Ministry of Human Resources, which has contributed over two years to solving more diaspora problems directly and quickly.

The Minister of Immigration pointed out that the Egyptian community in Saudi Arabia is among the priorities of work files within the Ministry, as it is the largest in number among the rest of the Egyptian communities abroad, and is equipped with more important and influential competencies and experiences in various fields, which Egypt is proud of and whose presence in the sisterly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Egypt is keen to contribute lovingly to supporting the labor market in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, out of concern for the interests of both sides. The Minister also stressed the need for cooperation in order to solve some of the challenges that have begun to appear in the labor market as a result of changing some procedures and laws and to overcome any obstacles to support interests and relations between… The two sides, in a way that reflects the strategic bilateral cooperation between the two countries, and in a way that achieves more integration that maximizes the benefit of elements and competencies in the labor market.

For his part, Ambassador Osama Nuqli expressed his pride in his period of work in Egypt, stressing that he is a fan of Egypt. He also expressed his appreciation for the hospitality that accompanied him during the past years in Cairo, the cooperation he received from the Egyptian state, and his emphasis that his country always looks forward to supporting… Bilateral relations with Egypt in various fields due to the history and common ties that bind the two countries, the tremendous development of relations in various fields and compatible visions on many issues of common concern.

Ambassador Naqli praised the Egyptian-Saudi relations, describing them as having extended cultural roots, and sharing the customs and traditions that bring the two countries together, stressing the efficiency and skill of the Egyptian workers present on Saudi territory, who have spared no effort in actively participating in most of the projects undertaken by the Kingdom.

The Saudi ambassador explained that with regard to the strategy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, regarding the employment and recruitment file, which is based on work efficiency and the employment of skilled specialized workers, they are keen to overcome all obstacles and procedures in support of the two communities, especially the direct mechanism for resolving problems, in an effort to preserve traditions and adherence to the statutory laws of the countries, as He agreed to continue coordination, promising to communicate with the relevant ministries and competent authorities and to return to the meeting to find more frameworks that maximize the use of competencies and stand against the exploitation of those aspiring to work, and to consider completing joint awareness campaigns in ways that maximize the message’s reach to those targeted by them.


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