UN secretary-general: A message on world Humanitarian Day

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Ashraf AboArafe

António Guterres, the secretary – general gave a nessage to the world in the occasion of “World Humanitarian Day” as follows:

On World Humanitarian Day, we honour the work of humanitarians who overcome huge challenges to save and improve the lives of millions of people. These real-life heroes are doing extraordinary things in extraordinary times to help women, men and children whose lives are upended by crises.

This year, humanitarian workers are stretched like never before. They are responding to the global crisis of COVID-19, and with it the massive increase in humanitarian needs from the fallout of the pandemic. The loss of jobs, education, food, water and safety is pushing millions more to the brink.

Movement restrictions to slow the spread of the virus have meant that communities, civil society and local organizations – as so often before – are the very first responders. This year, we celebrate them: people who are often in need themselves, like refugees helping host communities, local health workers who care for the sick and vaccinate children, and humanitarians who negotiate access in areas of conflict to bring food, water and medicine.

They are the unsung heroes of the pandemic response – and they all too often risk their own lives to save the lives of others. Today, join me in renewing our appreciation and support for the brave humanitarians, health workers and first responders who show solidarity and humanity in this time of unprecedented need.


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