Advisor of Sheikh Al-Azhar receives head of  “JAKIM” in Malaysia

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Ashraf AboArafe

Professor Dr. Nahla Al-Saidi, Advisor to the Sheikh of Al-Azhar for Expatriate Affairs and Head of the Center for the Development of Education for Expatriate and Foreign Students at Al-Azhar, received in her office Tuesday morning, Mr. Datuk Sirajuddin Bin Suhaimi, Chief Official of the Islamic Development Department “JAKIM” in Malaysia, and Religious Advisor to the Embassy of Malaysia.

The two parties discussed ways to enhance joint cooperation between the two sides in various fields that serve Malaysian students.

Dr. Nahla Al-Saidi welcomed the religious advisor of the Malaysian Embassy and his accompanying delegation to Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, and in their second country, Egypt, expressing her appreciation for the strong historical relations that bind the Malaysian people to Al-Azhar, and that Al-Azhar is pleased to welcome the children of Malaysia to study in its prestigious institutes and university, reviewing the role it plays. The Center for the Development of Education for Expatriate and Foreign Students, including educational programmes, student services and activities, and all the efforts the Center undertakes to prepare expatriate students; To be ambassadors for Egypt and Al-Azhar in their country.

For its part, the Malaysian delegation expressed its great happiness with this visit and the importance of fruitful cooperation with Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, which contributes to spreading the tolerance and moderation of the Al-Azhari approach. They extended their thanks and appreciation for the great efforts made by Dr. Nahla Al-Saidi, President of the Center, to support international students around the world, welcoming the continued strengthening of cooperation between their country and Al-Azhar Al-Sharif, as well as opening new horizons in matters of common interest between them.


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