MERHROM urge UN Security Council, SUPER POWER COUNTRIEs super powers, OIC, EU and ASEAN to immediately end the genocidal attacks against Rohingya in Buthidaung and Maungdaw township

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Ashraf AboArafe

Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization in Malaysia (MERHROM) urges the United Nations Security Council, super power countries, European Union (EU), the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the international community and ASEAN to immediately take appropriate measures to end genocidal attacks against the remaining minority Rohingya in Buthidaung Township.

We would like to remind that the impact of massive genocidal attacks against the Rohingya in 2012, 2016 and 2017 are permanent until now. The Rohingya in Sittwe continue their live imprisonment in IDP camps since 2012. Rohingya who fled to Bangladesh continue living in dire refugee camps without basic needs and without security and safety which forced them to flee again. The Rohingya genocide survivors died silently in refugee camps and in the ocean while saving their life. Uncounted numbers died in the hands of human traffickers. Where else the Rohingya should seek safety?

The recent genocidal attack against the Rohingya in Buthidaung Township by the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army (AA) caused uncounted deaths of Rohingya and thousands of Rohingya suffered severe injuries. The AA forced the Rohingya in Buthidaung Township out of their village and held them under their control to date. We do not know what AA plans for the stranded Rohingya. Family members were separated and without shelter, food, water and treatment. Though AA denied they conducted attacks against the Rohingya, testimonies of thousands of Rohingya affected by the recent AA attack reveal the truth.

According to the Press Briefing Notes of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on 24 May 2023, “Testimonies, satellite images, and online videos and pictures indicate that Buthidaung town has been largely burned. We have received information indicating that the burning started on 17 May, two days after the military had retreated from the town and the Arakan Army claimed to have taken full control. Our Office is corroborating information received about who is responsible”.

We must emphasize that regardless of who is responsible for the recent attack, we have enough evidence that both the Myanmar military and Arakan Army (AA) committed genocidal attacks against the Rohingya for many years. Both must be held accountable for committing genocide against the Rohingya. Both also did not accept the Rohingya as one of the ethnic in Myanmar. This puts Rohingya lives at constant risk and danger.

What is actually going on between the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army which sacrifice the lives of Rohingya the most. Why did the Rohingya become the target by both parties during their war? Obviously, both the military and AA purposely expelled the Rohingya to leave their homeland. Where will they go? Living in dire situations as internally displaced persons without food, water and basic needs will force them to die soon. We are talking about more than 260,000 Rohingya who were affected by the attacks. We are worried as the rainy season is approaching soon in June. What will be the fate of the hundreds of thousands of Rohingya without shelter, food, water, treatment and other basic needs?

Recognizing that AA has taken over Buthidaung Township since 19 May 2024, the United Nations, ASEAN, Human rights organization and the international community must closely monitor and thoroughly document the situation in Rakhine State for immediate intervention.

This is not conflict nor violence. This is not atrocities or ethnic cleansing but it is obviously Genocide. We urge everyone to use the correct terminology and help us to end the genocide. Both the Myanmar Military and Arakan Army committed Genocide against Rohingya and must be held accountable. We have received information from the Rohingya in Rakhine State from time to time on the situation on the ground including who is attacking them.

We urge the United Nations Security Council, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and United Nations Human Rights Council for an urgent action as follows:

1. Sending UN peacekeeping force to Rakhine State to protect the civilian and to monitor the situation on the ground

2. Sending immediate humanitarian assistance for the affected Rohingya

3. Pressure Myanmar military to restore internet connection and mobile phone network in Rakhine State to allow sharing of information on the ground for evident gathering and thorough documentation

4. Pressure Myanmar military and Arakan Army to stop forcing the Rohingya to join them

5. Prevent further genocidal attack against civilian and properties including houses, school and hospital by both parties in any part of Rakhine State

6. Thoroughly document the genocidal attack by Myanmar military and Arakan Army to speed up ICJ and ICC process including through satellite

7. Monitor and document hate speech and disinformation to prevent future genocidal attacks on Rohingya

8. Working closely with ASEAN and OIC to end Rohingya genocide and providing humanitarian support

9. Urge all UN member states to protect Rohingya Genocide Survivors as we all have the Responsibility to Protect (R2P).

Timely interventions and international response to the affected Rohingya is very crucial during this time. Delayed actions only sacrifice more lives than ever. As hate speech and disinformation escalates massively, it is even more scary to imagine its impact particularly on the Rohingya. The military and AA must be held accountable for the genocide without further delay. The ICJ and ICC process must be ongoing in whatever situation in order to deliver justice to the victims of Rohingya Genocide.

We welcome the appeal made by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk on 19 May 2024 to Bangladesh to once again extend protection to vulnerable people seeking safety, and for the international community to provide all necessary support.

We also want to appeal to the United Nations, ASEAN, European Union (EU), The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and the international community to send humanitarian assistance to more than 1000 Rohingya in Cox’s Bazar refugee camp who lost their shelters when a fire broke out in camp 13 on 24 May 2024 at 10.54am. During the incident, an NGO office, mosque and two learning centers were destroyed.

Zafar Ahmad Abdul Ghani


Myanmar Ethnic Rohingya Human Rights Organization in Malaysia (MERHROM)

Tel No: +6016-6827 287 

Blog: www.merhrom.wordpress.com

Email: rights4rohingyas@gmail.com







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