Finally Democracy beats racism with no-return – Mofid AlDeak

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Mr Mofid AlDeak, the well-known diplomate and media person tweeted to ‘Aldiplomasy’ expressing his pleasure of Biden triumph over Trump as follows:

“Dear friends- finally, democracy, moderation and reason have prevailed over racism, extremism, ignorance and narcism. I cannot be more proud of my fellow Americans. Congrats, one and all!’

Everywhere Biden’s supporters celebrate such as Cafe Versailles is the heart and pulse of the Cuban-American community in Miami, which is credited for keeping Florida red for Trump.

And on the day Joe Biden was projected to win the presidency, the restaurant became the go-to place for Biden supporters to honk their horns and hold up their fists out their windows.

“We love Biden,” screamed another man as he whizzed by.  One truck drove by with a Trump flag. Then a car with a “Cubanos for Biden,” sign or “Cubans for Biden.” As Biden supporters screamed from their cars, some people having lunch at Versailles clapped and cheered.

“Black lives Matter,” screamed another as he honked his horn and held up his fist. “Ganó Biden,” or “Biden Won,” screamed another man who made several drives around Cafe Versailles.

During his second drive by he screamed, “Arriba la democracia” with his fist stretched out of his window. It translates to “Up for democracy.”


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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