Challenges of Supporting Gaza in the West.. A Complex scene

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Ahmed Mostafa

The challenges of supporting Gaza in the Western world highlight the socio-political factors and dynamics within Western societies. It highlights the political pressures and stigmatization that may arise from supporting Gaza due to the complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The media often portrays Gaza as a volatile and dangerous region, leading to skepticism or dismissal of Palestinians. Academic freedom and intellectual challenges may be faced by graduate school students, who may face obstacles in exploring the Palestinian perspective. Emotional intelligence and the ability to engage in thoughtful conversations are essential to bridge divides and foster understanding. Despite potential penalties, academics should advocate for Gaza, promoting empathy and activism. Supporting Gaza should not be seen as a detriment to one’s academic or social life but as an opportunity to champion justice, human rights, and the pursuit of peace. Understanding these complexities is crucial for engaging with this sensitive issue.

The Hater of Arab & Muslim Youth: Anti-Israel Sentiment Stemming from the Palestinian Issue

The rise of anti-Israel sentiment among Muslim youth is a significant concern, largely due to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This conflict, rooted in territorial disputes, has deeply affected Palestinians, leading to empathy and solidarity. The perceived imbalance of power, human rights abuses, and Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories fuel anti-Israel sentiment. The religious and cultural ties between Muslims and Palestinians add sensitivity to the issue, as Palestinians hold great religious and historical significance for Muslims worldwide. Muslim youth may feel a sense of obligation to support and advocate for Palestinians in their cause for self-determination. The ongoing territorial disputes, separation barriers, military operations, and restrictions on the flow of people and goods further exacerbate anti-Israel views among Muslim youth. It is crucial to distinguish between criticism of Israeli policies and prejudiced attitudes toward Jews.

Arab & Muslim youth made a difference in social media by supporting Gaza and Palestine

Since 2020, the Gaza Strip has been a subject of global attention due to ongoing violence and massacres. A new wave of support has emerged on social media, with Muslim youth playing a crucial role in raising awareness and providing aid to the Palestinian people. They have flooded social media with calls for justice, human rights abuses, and solidarity with Palestine, posting images of the damage in Gaza, retweeting articles, and using hashtags. They have also countered the narrative of the Israeli government, highlighting the effects of its policies on the Palestinian people.

Muslim youth have also formed networks and initiatives dedicated to providing aid and relief for Gaza and Palestine. The most prominent network is Muslims Around the World, which uses crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe and PayPal to raise money for relief efforts. Other individual Muslim youth have also coordinated aid drives in their local communities.

Despite the unmeasurable effects of their efforts, the presence and proposal of solutions on social media have had a positive effect on the situation in Palestine.

Western academia is corrupt, biased, and untrusted

Western academia has been accused of being corrupt, biased, and untrustworthy due to the increasing cost and exclusivity of higher education. This is largely due to admissions criteria favoring socio-economic and racial factors over academically, making it difficult for many to access quality higher education. Scholarships are often chosen by a select few, making them inaccessible to lower-income and minority populations. The distribution of funds to university departments also impacts the curriculum, favoring corporate interests over other important subjects.

Corrupt practices in academia can be seen even within the institutions that champion them. Academics have been accused of pressuring students into producing certain research or giving teachers and administrators special privileges or resources. However, transparency and accountability are largely sparse, leading to a loss of public trust in academia.

To address these issues, universities must create a culture of openness and accountability. This involves faculty being more open and honest with students, ensuring they trust the advice given by faculty and administrators. Universities must also recognize the importance of diversity in their student bodies and ensure all students have access to quality education regardless of their economic background. By forming a culture of accountability and openness, Western academia can be trusted again and brought back into the public’s good grace.

What is happening currently is a Western Zionist crusade against Arabs and Muslims

It is a Western Zionist crusade war against Arabs and Muslims that has been unleashed in the Middle East and beyond. This crusade is rooted in centuries-old bigotry and Islamophobia. It is a war that is waged to take away the land and resources of the Palestinians, while at the same time denying them basic human rights and their equality under international law. It is a war fought not only by armies and artillery but also by armies of economic pressure, psychological warfare, propaganda, the application of double standards, and the ideological manipulation of public opinion. This crusade has been marketed in the usual packaging of humanitarian concerns and the rhetoric of freedom and democracy. However, this veil conceals an attempt to impose a Western-style hegemonic system on the region and its people. This is a war of aggression launched by Western states and their local clients. The purpose of this war was to extend their hold over the region and to ensure their total domination. This certainly has the potential of fragmenting the region by creating ‘allied’ states and even ethnic or sectarian enclaves, to the ultimate detriment of the people of this great part of the world. The targeted people have only one choice- a unified resistance to this unjust aggression- to preempt a greater tragedy.

In Conclusion, The South and East must prioritize economic and political independence to counter the West’s hegemonic tendencies. By forming an alliance, these countries can create a more equitable world economy, reduce West’s influence, and improve human rights conditions. This alliance also provides a unified voice in negotiations with the West on major global issues.

Investing in HiTech, knowledge, and media can significantly bridge the development gap between the North and South, creating a well-equipped workforce and fostering economic progress. This investment also reduces inequality and helps the South and East gain parity with the West and North.

Establishing parallel search engines in South and Eastern countries is crucial for sustained success. Localized search engines enable equitable access to information, create a local talent pool, and facilitate commerce, strengthening economies and increasing living standards.

Arab and Muslim students wishing to obtain scholarships or study abroad must change their destination towards Chinese, Russian, Iranian, Malaysian, Indonesian, and Latin American universities, such as Brazilian universities – given the corruption of Western scientific academies, their racism, and their lack of respect for academic freedom standards. Especially with regard to what happened regarding Russia and what is happening regarding the Palestinian case currently.


Transparency, my 🌉 to all..

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